Pacific Sea Farms

Pacific Sea Farms will be located in Colvos Passage off the southwest shore of Vashon Island, WA. Here the waters are cold, currents are swift and kelp and shellfish thrive. Before becoming a nutritious, delicious food source for humans to enjoy, sugar kelp and shellfish enhance water quality and provide habitat for marine species.

We are proud to be one of Washington State’s first kelp farms, pioneers in a new industry and sea-based economy. We believe kelp farming will have positive environmental and economic impacts on the Puget Sound region.

The Farm

Pacific Sea Farms will grow sugar kelp and shellfish using a vertical ocean farming system. Seaweed is grown on taught lines with oyster and other shellfish growing in hanging cages below.

We will be located off the southwest shores of Vashon Island between Seattle and Tacoma, WA

As the adage goes: Location, location, location. See this video for details on the process by which this site was chosen.
